Basic Retriever Training
In addition to the commands in Obedience Training your dog will learn the following...
Whistle Training: Initially they will be able respond to the commands "Up", "Sit" and "Here" to a whistle. They will work up to stopping in the field on a whistle, as well as taking hand directions.
Your dog will learn to be "Force Fetched" and learn “Fetch”, “Hold”, “Give”.
Your dog will learn to retrieve a “Mark” and do multiple marks.
Fetching to a Pile: They will learn to "Fetch" to a pile. |
He will also learn to "Hunt Dead".
Water training is a part of this training. They will learn to cross the water, and to do single and multiple marks in the water.
Hand signals are introduced to your dog in this program.
Retrieving Real Birds: We introduce your dog to a real bird and how to deal with the loose feathers that may accompany it.